The legacy of decades of diet on the left side of many people, especially women with the metabolic lesions. In the last 40 years, tens of different foods were presented in a variety of forms - books, magazines, television and the Internet, of course, but do little to work on the metabolism and body burning fuel with an increase against them instead.
Constantly with promises like "lose 20 pounds in two weeks" or "lose 8 pounds by next Friday," convinced the majority of us on this diet or the diet have to be thin and healthy bombed, and I think, why?
This does not work - and the worst is that these same people who faithfully every new diet plan tries to come onto the market now and in the metabolism of the poor are overweight or obese. The metabolic consequences of the donkey plan may "vary from almost negligible to serious, but the decline is real and can not long after the plan is completed.
What do we need to increase the metabolism of the new Now we know that to lose weight permanently you have things that increase your metabolism and the rate of fuel (calories) decreases do not. To do this, have to compensate for fat-burning hormones / storage, the sugar in the blood and the mechanisms of appetite regulation balances before we can increase your metabolism again.
You can self-diagnose their own symptoms and decide whether affected by the damage to your metabolism. Things like low power consumption ... hungry all the time ... Cravings that can not be ignored or think about food all the time and unable to lose weight quickly enough food for the little food they are. And God forbid, is when you get back to a normal diet on the fast track to weight gain.
Thus the whirligig of everything we have to things to do to your metabolism. We want your metabolic engine at full speed, so you can burn off excess fat from the body, and above all keep fit.
The number one way to increase your metabolism is the reconstruction and the loss of muscle tone. If you have not done enough to build muscle or maintain the activity of their muscles are weak and soft to reduce its energy needs and what it took to weight in the first place. The first thing you need to do to increase your metabolism is to run back and toned to chew too much fat.
Another important factor in the puzzle of weight loss is to improve nutritional habits. This is not a diet but a healthy diet to increase your metabolism. The first thing to do is get rid of most of the nutrients from unprocessed foods as possible and replace it with whole natural foods to cook from scratch.
To increase your metabolism is to eat well Yes, that means you into the kitchen to prepare healthy meals that you eat small every 3-4 hours. The main rules for each of these meals are high in protein in each and the rest consists of vegetables. You should eat "clean" foods that are free from chemicals, and immortalize you create the fat by reducing metabolism. Remember that we increase to the metabolism and are not processed or refined nutritional quality of foods are the way you want to do this.
Now it's time to get rid of the old way, we think that it was right to lose body fat and to embrace the knowledge gained in the last few years. Forget about "regime stupid" and concentrate on improving the health and body composition (muscle / fat), the same things to boost your metabolism to a better, healthier and lighter, more agile, cause we were increasing.
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