If you ask a dozen people to do this kind of exercise to lose body fat and increase your metabolism is likely that the. That they all say They'll tell you that some type of activity, such as "cardio" is necessary in this area a couple of "fat burning" magical.
You can also say that more fat is to burn more ... four or more times per week is better than two or three times a week.
Are you still with the old methods of exercise, in the hope of burning large amounts of body fat?
People think that because the way it was and remains one of the main recommendations of the relevance of weight loss for many people. You say you have a specific goal of heart and remain there for 20 minutes or more times per week. But we now know through science and research, there are better ways to increase the fat burning.
Of course, you burn calories while you run or walk on a treadmill to nowhere, but you'll never be a complete physical loss or significant fat with this kind of movement. In fact, a lot of this type of training can work against you and against-productive to your weight loss goals ..
The reasons for this are that, although the activity of low intensity, long duration burns fat for energy during the sessions, and it sounds good, it can actually cause your body to create more body fat stores after exercise is more than ready for the next meeting. This is not good?
You start to burn fat faster with a suitable program
A much better and more efficiently to speed your metabolism is to rebuild the lost muscle tone and in accordance with a strength training program. This will give you results that are changing life in a very short period. Recover your body tight and strong, and you'll be able to burn fat at a rapid pace every minute of the day and night.
And you increase your ability to burn fat is to it, health and fitness is a strong resistant antibodies to build all the better as a bonus. And do not worry about your heart and lungs. If you can make a little effort into your workouts, the force that makes great demands on your body and strengthen the heart and lungs, like any other activity.
The beauty of resistance exercise is only a little of what it takes to get good results. If you're a busy person, you can not 2-3 sessions per week and earn three times the results in half the time of the old, outdated methods that many people now and a waste of time and effort to make small benefit.
The reason for this is that they increase the metabolism, you need to burn fat day and night. The program of strength training is the only one who can do it and do it very well. You will be amazed with the results.
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